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Winder Wonderland

It has been beyond freezing in New York lately to the point where fashion goes out the window and in come your extremely warm yet unfashionable clothing, but there are some days where I just can't take my puffer coat anymore and I take my more trendy clothes on a little outing.

Let me just tell you I was FREEZING dressed like this, I was lucky that this day was slightly milder but I could not feel one inch of my body the hole day, my feet were freezing, couldn't type on my phone, and I thought my nose had dissapeared because I couldn't feel that I had one, Seeing I ventured out looking normal I decided this was a great time to film an outfit of the day and take a few blog pictures.


| Outfit Details |

Coat- Primark

Scalf- Accesories

Treggings- J-Jill

Top- H&M

Boots- Office

Handbag- Givenchy Antigona

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